hype-links // edition No. 1 featuring some soloprenuer self-reflection

Here are some cool things worth checking out.  In this set of hype-links you will find some entrepreneur-focused articles - good reads whether you are the CEO of a business or you are the CEO of your life!

  • How a clean slate may help bring back helpful habits.
  • Making sure to focus on income-generating work will be your best chance to, wait for it, bring in the money.  
  • Are we wired to need bosses?
  • Manage employees?  Strategize ahead of the burnout, it is coming!
  • Want to focus on the task at hand?  Relax without distraction?  Try Noisli.

Happy reading - let me know which of these articles really spoke to you most!

two songs as one for today

Thanks to "my bandmate" Liam of The Family Crest for brining this to my attention, and the amazing way John and Paul wrote for each other, even when apart...

What song are you feeling today?
