what i like today...

  • this video, mostly for the fashion...

  • the variety of hues all neatly stacked...

  • this choker...

  • hugging it out...
  • coordinate-y instrument cables...

  •  um, being home, relaxing...
hugs peeps!

    what i like today...

    • The way this frame is fashioned with a stitched-down fabric border... 

    • sleeping babies!
    • getting a full week of work hours, and more for Monday.
    • a free evening to devote to my Power Year.
    • remembering to do my 11 minutes of meditation this morning.
    • sticking to my food budget of $9 per day! 
    • cute 20-minute totes with easy-to-follow directions (and a simple way to use up my fabric stash... well, ok, make a small dent).
    • the way the ribbons for these lace-up shoes falls to the right...

    • being hopeful!
    How 'bout you?


    what i like today...

    • The Soft White Sixites I got drummer Joey Bustos' discarded stick!
    • Hanging with *This Guy*
    • 3 hour naps.
    • Rainy-rain.  That I get to run through without getting too drenched.
    • Remembering I wrote a poem I liked in the Summer of 2005, down at a hostel on the beach in L.A.
    • Chocolate raspberry cake for dinner.
    • Sharing wor wonton soup with someone spesh.

    {power year} an introduction.

    Hello peeps.  I just reviewed my twenty-11 intentions and all is so far, so good.  And that's good news. 

    Why?  Cuz I've just embarked on a supportive process with Ms. Megan Quicke of The Power Year, and also Coffee Adventures.  I'm doing my own Power Year.  You can too if you'd like to follow along on her blog.  Very inspiring.  She lays out the steps to getting goals accomplished one by one.

    At the end of January I was on the facebooks and asked Megan if she'd be doing any online workshops like the ones she's led in-person in Denver.  Don't you know, lo and behold, she acknowledged my comment in 2 minutes and in just the next 29 minutes got a call to action and sign up deadline for her Online Power Year Pledge Class posted on her facebook wall!  Inspiring.  I signed up.

    Here are the first few tasks she charged us with, her Online Power Year Pledge Class, and my responses.  I'm tellin' ya, so i'll be accountable to ya.  Thanks in advance.

    1. Write a SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, time bound) goal for your creative project.

    My Power Year SMART Goal:  "Produce well received and highly sought-after, profit-generating art.

    Now here that is broken down into what the Specifics look like... (most of these will be Measured in time - at least 3 hours of activity in these areas per week, that's a stretch for me to make that time commitment Attainable, but I'm up for the challenge.  These examples are Relevant to succeeding at my goal and the Time-boundness equals 3 hours per week throughout the Power Year!)

    Produce:  schedule creative time; have ready supplies, inspiration, skill, and s p a c e; create prototypes to maximize efficient generation

    well received:  develop packaging/branding; provide awesome customer service; seek feedback

    and highly sought after:  online marketing of my brand; IRL networking; utilize Facebook and Twitter; offer my own affiliate program; guerrilla/community awareness; ask other bloggers/artists for reviews; comment on other blogs, utilize Etsy...

    profit-generating:  participate in affiliate programs; host blog ads; wholesale goods; set appropriate price points to cover time, labor, overhead, etc.

    art:  develop my own style; practice sketching; review and practice what I've been taught; study; collect inspiration

    2. Then, write down five or less rules (or if you like the word “guidelines” better, cool) you will live by, in order to help you achieve your goal.

    My 5 Power Year Rules:

    1.  80/20 rule - if 80% completion is reached - celebrate!!!
    2.  Be productive for at least 15 minutes each day
    3.  Create and follow a budget
    4.  Put self-care first (11 minutes meditation, 3 meals a day, 30 minutes exercise 3 times/week, get 8-10 hours of sleep/day)
    5.  Jump in where I am - no accumulation!

    3. Finally, identify five or less items that will be your FEBRUARY FOCUS

    My February Focus:

    1.  15 minutes per day clean and organize!
    2.  Dating clean up - use the time to get my sh*t together first!
    3.  Take a current life status inventory - what's what and where I'm at
    4.  Practice my routines for the year, add them in, get up to speed, test what works (i.e.  my Power Year rules)
    5.  Design and launch my Power Year give-a-way or promo (it'll be on the 11th [my Power Day] of each month, starting in March)

    and P.S. my Power Year Animal is the Walrus (slow, but moving) and my Power Year Word is *pleasure*!!!

    That's it folks.  A lovely foray to success and accomplishing my goals!!!  Couldn't come at a more grateful time!  I'll be sharing updates to my progress with the Power Year, my monthly focus, and for you - a monthly give-a-way or treat of some kind... stay tuned!

    xo, Z