{datenight} keep it special!

every friday night is datenight here at the rootmix factories! it's a good idea to get away from the daily grind and responsibilities and turn attention to connection and love! if ya don't have a special someone else, celebrate yourself! here are some pics to help inspire!

ya don't have ta do anything elaborate, just light a candle for yourself or to set the mood for the evening with a friend.
{via what anna loves}

making a friday night a datenight is a forever thing!

just take a step in, follow your heart!

lounging around and relaxing in love is splendid!
{via chakra pennywhistle}

join me in placing your heart in a soft, safe space *snuggle, snuggle!*

i really like the idea of a special craft night as personal datenight for myself!
{via sarah's loft}

hope you're all inspired to take a break and open your heart!


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