the most powerful f*ucking woman...

I love AFP.  I first fell in love with her after watching this talk (especially at 2:03).  I've kept the love going sometimes watching this video on repeat dozens of times straight.  I've done that many days over the past couple of years.  It's got horrible lighting, lackluster sound, but SO  M U C H  SUPPORT from her fans.  Ahhhh.

Amanda Fucking Palmer evokes courage, depth of feeling, and fantastic expression.  Today she has one simple, quiet request for her birthday...

She posted her request early in the morning, and by the time I got to the link, her base wish had been fulfilled BY DOUBLE.  (Edit:  Now day 2 has brought 100K more!  I love that you all love her so much!!!)  But the more we bid, the more detail she and her team of artists can put into the products and the more she inspires us to follow our dreams as the support we need to live will find us!!!  And the more we all prove the old way of publishing music by being tied to a record label is coming undone.

(For full impact, go watch this video on Amanda's site and read her birthday announcement.)

So, did you actually follow the links and watch the videos?  That's your homework for the night.  Just fucking do it.

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